Crypto Coprocessor
A Crypto Coprocessor is a dedicated hardware module that accelerates cryptographic operations on a device and provides a reliable foundation to build a security sub-system on a chip.
With a UID, chips can generate an internal secret as a seed for key generation or a root key and an external plaintext number for chip identification or product series number. UID can also be used as the device’s identity by authentication and authorization algorithms to protect it from unauthorized access or cloning.
A Hardware Unique Key (HUK) is the device-specific key acting as the “root” of all other secret keys on a particular device. It is crucial that the HUK remains secured to maintain the integrity of the Key chain it supports.
What is a Driver? A device driver is a widely used software component that helps hardware interact with operation systems (Linux, RTOS, etc.). The driver is responsible for the hardware available, and all issues about using the hardware are left to the applications. This allows the driver provides an interface to communicate between the user space […]
AES: The Advanced Encryption Standard The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric encryption algorithm established by the U.S National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. It is widely adopted today by governments and enterprises to protect sensitive electronic data and secure network communications. Symmetric Key AES uses the same key to encrypt […]
API: Application Programming Interface API (Application Programming Interface) is the mechanism enabling two software components to communicate with each other. One software component can utilize the services of another by calling the provided APIs. As more and more applications require security functions for connection or data safety, the Security APIs provide an application-level programming interface for […]
ECC: Elliptic-Curve Cryptography In contrast to Symmetric Key schemes such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), the asymmetric key scheme contains a key pair, the public key, and the private key. This is also known as public key cryptography. Asymmetric Key Complex mathematical problems underpin the asymmetric key construction, which allows the private key to derive […]
Hash Functions
Hash functions are an essential part of the cybersecurity ecosystem. They are used frequently, for example, as a key component of blockchain management for cryptocurrencies. A hash is a mathematical function that maps input values of arbitrary length to output values of fixed length. In other words, it can create a short digest or digital […]