PUFsecurity and eMemory Launch Next-Gen PUF-based Hardware Root of Trust IP for Future Computing

(Hsinchu, Taiwan, Feb. 7th, 2022) PUFsecurity, a subsidiary of eMemory, and the leading provider of Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)-based security solutions, launched a new generation of its flagship product, PUFrt. This implementation brings together a Hardware Root of Trust with eMemory’s quantum-tunneling PUF in compliance with cutting-edge computing for the cloud and beyond.

Today there is a growing focus on chip-level security. Protecting state-of-the-art SoC designs begins with a Hardware Root of Trust as the foundation for security operations and extends its protection of data-at-rest and data-in-transit to now also include data-in-use. Additionally, the emergence of cloud-dependent technologies has made confidential computing essential, with the need for secure execution for all applications. This process begins with the secure boot process, the protection of the device’s secure root key, and the second bootloader code storage. The firmware is verified from the very moment of booting, creating a chain of trust from day one.

PUFsecurity has integrated eMemory’s secure OTP (one-time programmable memory) and quantum tunneling PUF to develop a highly reliable PUF-based Hardware Root of Trust (PUFrt) with certified anti-tampering features. Combining OTP with PUF as an additional safeguard for data-at-rest results in low provisioning overheads during device manufacturing.  PUFsecurity’s PUFrt provides essential functions like secure storage, root key generation, and high-quality entropy to enable secure operations within the system. The flexible storage configuration allows for various usage scenarios, from purely key storage, to a comprehensive bootloader code. In addition, this patented PUF creates a unique inborn identity for each chip, providing a hardware-level root key, and sealing the stored data.

“Trust inspired by robust security must be a design priority as we scale the connected world, and Hardware Root of Trust is the foundation of a cloud-to-edge system security,” said Brian Jeff, senior director of product management, Infrastructure Line of Business, Arm. “The integration of the secure storage with pre-qualified high-performance TRNG and AMBA bus interfaces minimizes the design effort while maximizing the design’s security, which is why Arm selected PUFrt for the secure sub-system in our reference implementation of the Armv9 confidential compute architecture.”

“We are thrilled to bring our new generation of Hardware Root of Trust IP, PUFrt, to the future of computing applications,” said Dave Sinofsky, PUFsecurity’s Corporate Vice President and GM of PUFsecurity USA. “Our goal is to secure the next decade of computing by providing best-in-class security on-chip, and we’re excited to enable partners and customers access to this technology.”

These upgrades to PUFrt further enhance its compatibility to secure sub-systems and enable IC design houses to seamlessly achieve a higher level of security. As the longevity of chips continues to expand, and technology begins to blend physical and virtual realities, PUFrt helps secure our increasingly more connected world.


2022年2月7日(台灣新竹) – 力旺電子(eMemory)及子公司熵碼科技(PUFsecurity),作為掌握物理不可複製功能(PUF)之領先技術的晶片安全解決方案提供商,推出了新一代PUFrt硬件信任根IP,打造能滿足未來雲端應用及各類尖端運算安全需求的解決方案。


熵碼科技集成了力旺電子的安全OTP(一次性可編程記憶體)和量子穿隧 PUF開發硬件信任根PUFrt,並配置經過認證的防篡改功能,以實現高度可靠的雙重防護。PUFrt 整合了安全存儲、根密鑰生成和經過驗證的高品質熵源等功能以實現系統內的安全操作,其靈活的存儲容量配置能滿足從單純的密鑰存儲到全面的安全啟動程序代碼的各種使用場景。利用PUF的獨特性可為每個晶片創建獨一無二的身份識別證,並可作為硬件級別的根密鑰,不但為儲存在晶片中的數據進行個別加密強化靜態數據的安全保障,更能為客戶簡化密鑰配置(key provisioning)步驟,降低成本。

「隨著互聯世界的擴展,由強大安全設計所保障的信任絕對是晶片設計架構的重中之重,而硬件信任根是雲端到邊緣系統安全性的基礎。」安謀科技(Arm)產品管理資深總監Brian Jeff 表示:「PUFrt集成了安全存儲OTP、高性能真亂數產生器(TRNG)和AMBA總線接口,可為IC設計客戶大幅減少設計工作量,並極大化整體設計的安全性,這也是為什麼我們在Arm v9機密運算參考架構中選擇 PUFrt 作為安全子系統的原因。」

熵碼科技公司副總裁兼 PUFsecurity USA 總經理 Dave Sinofsky 表示:「我們很高興將新一代的硬件信任根IP PUFrt帶入機密運算應用的未來。我們的願景是開發一流的晶片安全解決方案讓合作夥伴和客戶能夠使用這些技術,共同守護新世代的運算安全。」

PUFrt的升級進一步增強了其與安全子系統的兼容性,並使 IC 設計公司能夠無縫實現更高級別的安全性。隨著晶片壽命的不斷延長,以及虛實融合技術的發展,PUFrt將在資安中扮演重要的角色。


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