(Hsinchu Taiwan, Feb. 8th, 2022) eMemory Technology Inc., Asia’s largest provider of semiconductor intellectual property (IP), today announced it is joining Intel Foundry Services (IFS) Accelerator – IP Alliance. The collaboration will provide leading-edge security solutions for mutual customers with IFS.
eMemory will develop one-time programmable (OTP) memory and other security IP for Intel’s leading-edge processes as part of the IFS Accelerator – IP Alliance program. eMemory provides IPs to semiconductor foundries worldwide for various process technologies, and IFS customers will have access to eMemory’s NeoFuse, NeoPUF, and integrated PUF-based security IP, for their designs on Intel’s leading-edge process technology. eMemory’s patented PUF (physical unclonable function) technology is at the heart of the company’s range of security IP offerings.
NeoFuse is a compact non-volatile memory (NVM) technology with the advantages of low-power operation, high reliability and strong security. NeoPUF, developed with NeoFuse technology, uses variations that occur naturally in each chip during the foundry process to make a semiconductor “fingerprint”. NeoPUF has a proven track record with production in foundries around the world.
“With global cybersecurity and hacking risks increasing daily, this partnership with IFS will provide our customers the unparalleled IP for secure storage and other security features,” said eMemory President Michael Ho. “As cloud applications continue to emerge and empower our daily life through connectivity, the needs for chip-level security and safe storage in electronic devices will soar.”
The IFS Design Ecosystem alliance promotes a trusted and comprehensive collaboration between ecosystem partners to reduce chip design barriers together with risk and cost, while speeding time to market for electronic products.
“We are pleased to announce the IFS Ecosystem Alliance as a major step forward for Intel’s foundry ambitions,” said Rahul Goyal, VP and GM of Intel Product & Design Ecosystem Enablement. “We are delighted to have eMemory join the alliance. We look forward to partnering with eMemory to extend their leadership IP with IFS for the benefit of our mutual global customers.”
eMemory subsidiary PUFsecurity has created security IP, PUFrt and PUFcc, from eMemory’s existing technology to provide unparalleled anti-tampering and root-of-trust solutions for chip designers. A root of trust provides a firm foundation for the security of electronic systems against cyberattacks, as defined by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
2022年2月8日(台灣新竹)—亞洲最大半導體矽智財供應商力旺電子(eMemory Technology Inc.)宣布加入英特爾晶圓代工服務加速器 (Intel Foundry Services Accelerator) 計畫,為使用IFS晶圓代工服務平台的共同客戶提供全球首屈一指的安全IP解決方案。
作為IFS加速器計畫的一員,力旺電子將在英特爾的先進製程節點提供一次性可編程記憶體OTP (NeoFuse)、物理不可複製功能PUF (NeoPUF)、和其子公司熵碼科技(PUFsecurity Corporation)所開發之晶片安全IP。 IFS客戶在使用英特爾先進製程技術的同時可直接在產品中導入上述已在各製程節點認證的IP,提升整體系統安全性。
力旺電子的專利NeoFuse是一種非揮發性記憶體 (NVM) 技術,具有低功耗運行、高可靠性和強安全性等優點。 以NeoFuse技術為核心,NeoPUF利用製造過程中每個晶片間的自然微小變化作為晶片識別“指紋”。兩項專利技術在世界各大晶圓代工廠都有良好的生產記錄。
根據美國國家標準與技術研究院 (NIST) 的定義,信任根為電子系統安全性的基礎,以抵禦各式各樣的駭客攻擊。力旺電子旗下子公司熵碼科技基於NeoFuse和NeoPUF技術,設計整合全方位的防篡改設計與通用接口,為晶片設計人員提供完美的晶片信任根解決方案PUFrt和晶片安全協同處理器PUFcc矽智財。
IFS 設計生態系統聯盟旨在促進夥伴之間的信任和合作,以減少晶片設計障礙、風險及成本,加速終端電子產品的上市時間。
「IFS 生態系統聯盟是英特爾展現晶圓代工雄心的重要一步。」英特爾產品與設計生態系統副總裁兼總經理 Rahul Goyal 表示:「我們很高興 eMemory 加入聯盟,期待與 eMemory攜手透過 IFS 擴展他們的領先技術,造福我們共同的客戶。」