Actions Technology Partners with PUFsecurity to Secure Wireless Bluetooth and IoT Applications

(June 6th, 2023) Actions Technology, a leading Chinese low-power system-level chip design company specializing in the development, design, and sales of mid-to-high-end intelligent audio SoCs for wireless audio, smart wearables, and intelligent interactions in the IoT industry, has announced a long-term partnership with PUFsecurity Corporation. Through licensing its Root of Trust IP — PUFrt, PUFsecurity enables Actions to develop secure designs from the hardware level (chip) for its products.

As more electronics in our life are connected, the number of attack surfaces also multiplies. Being the leader in the highly competing Bluetooth and IoT industry, Actions Technology will elevate its product with PUFsecurity’s PUFrt for further differentiation with comprehensive protection to IoT device users.

PUFrt is based on Physical Unclonable Function (PUF), which is known as chip fingerprint technology. PUFrt integrates PUF, One Time Programmable (OTP) memory, True Random Number Generator (TRNG), and Anti-tampering designs in one single IP. PUF can generate high-quality and unpredictable random numbers from within the chip, which can be used as keys required for identification, authentication and information encryption. At the same time, PUF reinforces the security of OTP, making it the only True Hardware Root of Trust IP on the market that simultaneously possesses high-quality key generation and secure storage technologies.

“Actions Technology’s adoption of PUFrt is a win-win decision. It guarantees the know-how protection of the product design for brand manufacturers, and also provides end-users with more secure personal information protection,” said Evans Yang, Executive Vice President of PUFsecurity. “Wireless Bluetooth plays an important role in IoT communication, and chip security is the foundation of information security. Our cooperation can lead the industry to bring more innovation and security, helping system designers build a trust chain foundation based on hardware root of trust technology in the chip design process.”

“We are delighted to establish a long-term partnership with PUFsecurity, starting from PUFrt licensing,” said Chris Chang, Vice President of R&D at Actions Technology. “Today, the importance of information security is becoming increasingly prominent with the rapid development of intelligent networking technology. We are fully aware of the necessity of providing security guarantees for wireless Bluetooth and IoT applications. This partnership will add differentiation advantages to our products and further consolidate our leading position in the smart IoT industry. We look forward to our partnership bringing innovative and valuable chip and product designs to the wireless Bluetooth and IoT industry, providing downstream service providers and end-users complete life cycle security guarantees.”




(2023 年6月6日) 炬芯科技今日宣佈與熵碼科技長期合作,取得熵碼科技晶片安全信任根IP授權,規劃為旗下產品從硬體層面(晶片)構建安全設計。

炬芯科技是中國領先的低功耗系統級晶片設計廠商,專注于中高端智慧音訊 SoC 的研發、設計及銷售,為無線音訊、智慧穿戴及智慧交互等智慧物聯網領域提供專業集成晶片。有鑒於智慧聯網技術飛速發展的同時也帶來了更多的資訊安全風險,加上市場競爭激烈、百家爭鳴,作為藍牙和物聯網應用產業內的領導廠商,炬芯科技決定借重熵碼科技晶片安全信任根技術(PUFrt),開發具安全加值保障的差異化產品,為廣大的物聯網裝置使用者提供更高級別的安全保障。

PUFrt是基於物理不可複製功能(Physical unclonable function; PUF)、一種可理解為晶片指紋的技術,並整合了一次性存儲單位(One Time Programmable; OTP)、真亂數產生器(True Random Number Generator; TRNG)與抗攻擊設計於一體的信任根模組。PUF可以自晶片內部生成極高品質且無法被破解的亂數,用作身分認證、資訊加密保護時所需的金鑰,同時再強化其OTP的安全性,是市場上少數同時具備高品質金鑰生成與安全儲存技術的硬體信任根IP。


炬芯科技研發副總經理張賢鈞表示: 「我們非常高興能夠與熵碼科技建立長期的合作關係並取得IP授權。在智慧聯網技術飛速發展的今天,通信安全和資訊安全的重要性愈加凸顯,我們深知為無線藍牙和物聯網應用提供安全保障的重要性。這次合作將為我們的產品增加更多的差異化優勢,進一步鞏固我們在智慧物聯網領域的領先地位。期待雙方的合作能夠為無線藍牙和物聯網行業帶來極具創新價值的晶片產品,為下游服務商提供從供應鏈到終端的完整生命週期保障。」


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