PUFsecurity’s Crypto Coprocessor PUFcc is PSA Certified Level 2 Ready

(Hsinchu Taiwan, Sep 27th, 2022) PUFsecurity Corporation, a subsidiary of eMemory Inc., announced that its Crypto Coprocessor PUFcc had achieved PSA Certified Level 2 Ready. The test was executed by SGS Brightsight, an independent security evaluation laboratory approved by the PSA Certified program.

The PSA Certified framework is designed to ensure manufacturers incorporate security into the IoT devices design early in the design process and to provide practical implementation guidance, tools, and verification services accordingly. By adopting a PSA Certified IP, customers can save R&D resources and accelerate products to pass necessary safety certifications.

PUFsecurity’s Crypto Coprocessor, PUFcc, is the first security IP to achieve such recognition by passing all five tests applicable to IP. It includes the proprietary Hardware Root of Trust which is made of eMemory’s patented OTP and PUF technology, a complete set of NIST-certified crypto engines, and a Riscure-certified anti-tampering design. By integrating with Arm Cortex-M33 and Corstone-201, PUFcc successfully passed the PSA Certified safety framework tests and verified the reliability in secure boot, secure storage, firmware update, secure boundary, and the crypto engine.

“It is important to have a unified security standard framework when thousands of companies in the market are developing IoT products. PSA Certified helps in building customer trust. It’s just like people would only buy cars with safety ratings.” says Sam Chung, Marketing Director at PUFsecurity. “That’s why we put in such effort to pass all IP applicable tests to make PUFcc become a trustworthy security IP choice for end products aiming for PSA Certified certifications.”

“We are pleased that PUFsecurity has selected SGS Brightsight for reaching this important milestone on their Crypto Coprocessor, PUFcc. We continue to work closely with PUFsecurity to ensure customers’ and partners’ security at all levels of development, starting from the design. Together, we are empowering the security of the IoT ecosystem.”, says Alex Rubert, Sales Manager at SGS Brightsight.



熵碼科技PUFcc加密協處理器IP已取得 PSA Level 2 Ready認證

(台灣新竹,2022 年 9 月 27 日)力旺電子的子公司熵碼科技 (PUFsecurity Corporation) 宣布其安全加密協處理器 IP PUFcc 在經由Arm 平台安全架構認證計畫(PSA Certified)合作的獨立安全測試實驗室SGS Brightsight測試後,取得PSA Certified™ Level 2 Ready認證。

PSA 認證框架旨在確保製造商在設計過程的早期將安全性納入物聯網設備,並相應地提供實用的實作指南、工具和驗證服務。採用通過PSA認證的IP能幫助客戶節省研發資源、加速通過產品上市必要的安全認證。

熵碼科技的加密協處理器 PUFcc是第一個通過所有適用於 IP 之PSA測試項目的安全 IP,其組成包括由母公司力旺電子專利 OTP 和 PUF 技術製成的硬件信任根、通過 NIST-CAVP 認證的完整加密引擎、以及通過Riscure安全測試的防篡改設計。 在測試過程中,PUFcc IP 與 Arm Cortex-M33 和 Corstone-201 完全集成,並成功通過了 PSA 安全框架測試,驗證了PUFcc在安全啟動、安全存儲、韌體更新、安全邊界和加密引擎設計上的可靠性。

「當成千上萬的公司都在開發物聯網產品時,建立一個市場公認的安全標準框架尤其重要。 PSA 認證有助於建立客戶信任,就像人們只會購買通過安全檢測的汽車一樣。」熵碼科技市場行銷總監鍾承霖表示。「這就是為什麼我們投入心力完成PSA 認證。對於其他正在尋找安全IP、且有意取得PSA 認證的終端產品開發客戶來說,採用已通過PSA認證的PUFcc將是一項聰明的抉擇。」

SGS Brightsight 業務經理 Alex Rubert也回應道:「我們很高興熵碼科技選擇了 SGS Brightsight 在其加密協處理器 PUFcc 上實現這一重要里程碑。 我們將繼續與熵碼科技密切合作,從設計開始,確保客戶和合作夥伴在各個開發階段的安全部署。我們將共同增強物聯網生態系統的安全性。」


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