UMC, eMemory, and PUFsecurity Announce Successfully Silicon-Proven Secure Embedded Flash IP

(Hsinchu Taiwan, June 28th, 2022) eMemory (TWSE: 3529) and its subsidiary PUFsecurity, and United Microelectronics Corporation (NYSE: UMC; TWSE: 2303) (“UMC”), a leading global semiconductor foundry, announced today the successful silicon qualification of the world’s first PUF (Physical Unclonable Function)-based secure embedded flash solution.

Embedded flash has been prone to non-invasive attacks on sensitive data, key parameters, firmware, and program codes. Program codes stored in an embedded flash are usually unencrypted for real-time execution purposes, giving attackers a chance to steal product secrets. PUFsecurity’s PUFef (formerly known as PUFflash) is a win-win solution, making real-time execution in place (XiP) and data-at-rest protection possible. With its built-in Root of Trust (PUFrt), PUFef enables comprehensive data protection for UMC’s eFlash technology platform, which is engineered to address the performance and ultra-low power requirements of IoT applications and the real-time encryption/decryption for program codes.

“We have seen growing demand for secure storage,” said Chris Lu, Senior Vice President of eMemory. “It’s a natural step for customers to ask how their storage unit would be protected to counter the increasing threat. Together with PUFsecurity, customers can significantly increase the safety of their data with the optimal solution for each one’s different application scenario.”

“The silicon-proven IP is now available off-shelf for customers using UMC’s eFlash platform for a variety of applications,” said Osbert Cheng, Vice President of Device Technology Development & Design Support at UMC. “This cooperation will provide our customers safer, more stable, and faster solutions, and we expect it will enhance our specialty technology offering and address more business possibilities in the embedded flash market.”

“PUFef solves a major dilemma between protecting sensitive information and real-time program execution without burdening the chip’s performance,” said Evans Yang, Executive Vice President of PUFsecurity. “Given the success of PUFef with UMC, it’s an important step for us that expands our business to flash protection, helping clients protect their know-how and enhance product performance.”


2022年6月28日(台灣新竹) – 力旺電子(TWSE: 3529)及其子公司熵碼科技和全球半導體晶圓專工業界的領導廠商聯華電子(NYSE: UMC; TWSE: 2303)今天共同宣布全球首個基於物理不可複製功能(PUF)的嵌入式快閃記憶體(Embedded Flash; eFlash)解決方案通過矽驗證。

嵌入式快閃記憶體因多用於儲存敏感數據、關鍵參數、韌體和程序代碼,一直是資安攻擊的主要目標之一。儲存在嵌入式快閃記憶體中的程序代碼通常為了達到即時執行(XiP)的效率而不做加密處理,以省去解密時間,從而使攻擊者有機會竊取產品機密。 熵碼科技的 PUFef (前身為 PUFflash) 是一個雙贏的解決方案,同時實現靜態數據加密保護和即時執行。PUFef 憑藉其內置的信任根 (PUFrt) 為聯華電子的eFlash 技術平台提供全面的數據保護。該平台旨在滿足物聯網應用對性能和超低功耗的要求,以及程序代碼的即時加解密。

「市場對安全儲存的需求成長是顯而易見的。」力旺電子資深副總盧俊宏表示: 「客戶面對日益增加的資安威脅,很自然會想要尋找保護儲存單元的解決方案。透過力旺電子與熵碼科技的合作,客戶可以針對不同應用場景討論最佳解決方案,顯著提高其重要資產的安全保障。」

「PUFef已通過矽驗證,可供在聯電 eFlash 平台進行各種應用開發的客戶使用。」聯華電子技術開發副總鄭子銘表示:「此次合作將為我們的客戶提供更安全、更穩定、更快速的eFlash解決方案。我們預計這將成為聯電的特殊製程技術產品的生力軍,在嵌入式快閃記憶體市場拓展更多業務的發展。」

「PUFef 在不增加晶片運算負擔的前提下解決了同時達成加密敏感信息和即時執行的技術瓶頸。」熵碼科技執行副總楊青松表示:「與力旺、聯電合作開發PUFef的成功對我們來說是重要的一步,將我們的安全解決方案擴展到嵌入式快閃記憶體領域,幫助客戶保護他們的專有技術並提高產品性能。」


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